HP CEO, Meg Whitman, revealed during an interview that her company is planning for a return into the smartphone business. The company seems to take detour in this business and they need to get it right this time. HP’s tablet, the TouchPad was a definite sales flop and the company had unceremoniously dumped its brand name, Palm. Quickly afterwards, HP announced it was giving up selling tablets and smartphones running a proprietary operating system, the webOS.
But apparently, Whitman wasn’t ready to pull the plug on HP’s tablets and smartphones yet. That was what Leo Apotheker wanted and after spending one year on top position, she wants to steer the firm back into mobile business, because handheld devices will eventually become the prime growth factor in the computing world. In some parts of the world, smartphones are already primary computing devices. HP is a computing company and it surely doesn’t want to miss the opportunity.