Earlier. @evleaks published a probably photoshopped picture, which shows the Nokia “Normandy” smartphone. We weren’t sure what the phone is, whether it is a member of Lumia or Asha family. However, recent report says that the phone actually runs the Android operating system. Nokia could be planning to release the Normandy next year.
A recent report says that not only Android will be used by the Nokia Normandy, but that the project is still progressing. It is claimed that the device runs the fork of Android and like Amazon’s Kindle devices; it may not be able to access Google Play services.
Microsoft may not allow its newly acquired mobile division to release a device with standard Android version. But the new highly customized device should expand the company’s portfolio, without cannibalizing the Asha and Lumia devices.
Once the biggest vendor in the smartphone market, Nokia is now struggling to stay at the top-ten club. It was hamstrung by under-supported and poorly-developed mobile platform, which threatened the company to languish in obscurity.
It is good to see that the Finland-based manufacturer has started to manufacture solid device models after it joins Microsoft.