Samsung is expected to deliver us the S5 Prime, which is likely more powerful than the current Galaxy S5. The company has introduced multiple spin-offs based on the S5, including the S5 Active. Now, we have reports that the S5 Prime won’t use the popular “S5” moniker at all. According to a supposedly reliable source, the S5 Prime could be called the Galaxy Alpha. Of course, like many rumors, it isn’t backed by enough details.
This is confirmed by the fact the Samsung already filed a trademark for “Galaxy Alpha”, which gives more credit to the rumor. The trademark documentation specifies that the “Galaxy Alpha” relates to specific mobile device. Granted, this piece of detail won’t provide enough confirmation, but Samsung has an option to use the name for future mobile devices.
The Samsung Galaxy S5 Prime (Alpha) could arrive later this month with high-resolution Quad HD display. It could have similar construction quality compared to the LG G3, with its brushed metal back. Possible processor model includes Qualcomm Snapdragon 801/805 quad-core or Samsung Exynos 5 Octa. Another major release after the Prime/Alpha, would be the Galaxy Note 4 phablet, which will arrive in the fall.