Starcraft: Brood War Will Be Playable on Android Devices

Starcraft Brood WarFans of classic Windows games would have another reason to rejoice. A preview version of Starcraft Brood War for Android has appeared and it will work with only touchscreen controls. Currently, Starcraft gamers need to use N64 emulator, which is plagued with fiddly button mapping and poor frame rates. The Winulator attempts to solve the infuriating and buggy experience when playing Windows games on Android platform.

The developer has previously ported Caesar 3, before moving to supporting Blizzard’s Starcraft. If the recently released video demo is anything to go by, apparently, things are moving along quite well. Winulator allows us to play older Windows games on Android devices by converting key Windows files into those compatible with ARM processors.

Obviously, the developer has just only released a preview and gamers still can’t find Android-compatible version of Starcraft. Those who fancy playing the empire-building game, Caesar 3, need to obtain Caesar 3 profile as well as a DRM-free copy of the game, Winulator Converter Helpful software on the PC and Winulator app installed on the Android device. One far easier solution would be to purchase an x86-based Windows 8 tablet.