A new standard drafted by the MPEG group may allow high-resolution and HD videos to be streamed with much less data. It also means 1080p clips will take much less space. H.265 offers double the efficiency of common video standard and it will open the door for lower bandwidth utilization for much restricted data plans. This development should be appreciated by those who regularly pay through the nose for expensive 4G network. The standard is also called HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) and MPEG-H part2.
H.265 seems to attract significant industry interest because we can still achieve similar visual quality while using half the bit rate. Adoption is likely to be much faster in the mobile space than other areas such as TV service. According to latest researches, video traffic accounts for most data sent over the network and the proportion is increasing. H.265 (HEVC) supports up to 7680×4320 resolution and other unique resolutions such as quad-FHD (3840×2160), UHD, UHDTV and SHV (Super-Hi Vision). Considering the industry is expected to use 4K very soon, HEVC is an excellent candidate to encode qFHD videos.