Microsoft and its new mobile platform, Windows Phone 8, have been in the news for quite a while. The company has also released an intermediary version, the Windows 7.8, which is intended to deliver some features of Windows Phone 8 to older Mango devices. Like its usual practice in the desktop environment, Microsoft is already busy working on the next update for the Windows Phone 8, after recent official release. While mobile consumers are eagerly waiting for their first WP 8 devices, new rumors are surfacing about the Apollo+. Microsoft will not only add new enhancements, it is also observing the market for new bugs, glitches and security holes reported by users and experts.
The new update should be ready for distribution in Q1 2013 and apparently, Microsoft won’t give it a fancy name, it will simply be named Apollo+. The moniker easily suggests that the Apollo+ would be a direct enhancement of the current Apollo version and we may see quite a few new features, including the delayed notification center.